Monday, February 27, 2012

Replica Tag Heuer Watches For a Marvelous Life

By Kitty Lee on July 07, 2011

Tag Heuer has its ancestor connected in an accession started in 1860 by Edouard Heuer in a address declared St-Imier in Switzerland. This is the accession that afterwards abutting up with an accession declared TAG in 1985 (Techniques dAvant Garde) and that is how the exhausted TAG Heuer was born. TAG originally artificial assimilation engineering and top tech technology such as basin turbochargers for Formula One cars.

In 1999, TAG Heuer acclimatized an activity from one the bigger French affluence architectonics houses Louis Vuitton for diplomacy up a majority anemic in the accession for about $452 million. This resulted in Louis Vuitton owning 50.1% of all TAG Heuer shares appropriately owning majority of the company.

TAG Heuer watches acquire ashamed them the complete adeptness of accepting the age-old to accustom the automatic anxiety to the world. Heuer was allocation of a three accession aggregate adeptness to after-effects the worlds age-old automatic anxiety and it was able in the age-old analysis of the year 1969 with the advertisement accepting artificial in Geneva.

Heuer has had the befalling to after-effects watches that were abounding below yet accession abounding all-embracing diplomacy casting and architectonics address Abercrombie and Fitch. These watches were produced and abounding in the years 1953 and 1954. The designs had tachymeter actualization that were geared arise accession car drivers who could use their watch to activate the dispatch of their car over a abstinent mile and appropriately anniversary whether it was bold optimally or not.

Heuer was the age-old to get the credible for a dashboard anxiety that was meant to be acclimated in automobiles and airplanes. The age-old archetypal had two abounding calmly to actualization the time of the day and had a allay bite at the 12o anxiety position for bold the constancy of the journey, which was at that time up to 12 hours.

In 1962,Cartier Double C Motif Necklace with Diamonds, Heuer became the age-old Swiss watchmaker in space. It was onboard the Mercury Atlas 6 spacecraft,Cartier Panther Charm Necklace With Diamonds Paved, which was Americas age-old manned spaceflight to apogee the earth. The watch was exhausted by astronaut John Glenn who was allocation of the mission.

Heuer was allocation of the age-old angishore of calendar watches that experimented with LCD and LED displays. These were actually new at the time and garnered a lot of attention. The age-old such watch from the accession was the Chronoplit model. This happened during the mid-1970s.
Thus Tag Heuer Replica Watches acquire been allocation of a bequeathal that stretches aloft the borders and boundaries in and alfresco this world. It is a multi-century ancestor that safeguards the top assimilation engineering art of accurate complete timepieces that are trusted by professionals everywhere.

At you will find a selection of Replica Tag Heuer Monaco Watches that you can purchase now. Our replica TAG Watches are made with high quality craftsmanship and offered at a reasonable price.

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Counterfeiting of Brands in India

By Sheng Feng on May 17, 2011
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Rapid advancement in technology and liberalization of the Indian economy have created an ideal market for people misusing existing brand values that have been cultivated and nurtured over a period of time. The mushrooming growth has also given rise to despicable marauding activity, which is nothing but piracy. But the question arises here is that is it the popularity factor which promotes counterfeiting among people or the need factor? I guess it is both.

Counterfeiting also referred as piracy in a common trade parlance mean the unlawful acquisition by a person of the property of another person without his consent. Ever since the evolution of brands, the business has marked a trend in the society where everyone wants to associate himself/herself with the latest quality fashion trends in different forms like branded clothes, institutes, branded products etc. After all, what matters at the end is to show off the branded You!!

The word ounterfeit describes the forgeries of currency and documents but these days the imitations of clothing, software, pharmaceuticals, jeans, watches, electronics, and company logos and brands have become common in the market. In the case of goods, it results in patent infringement or trademark infringement.Certain consumer goods, especially very expensive or desirable brands or those which are easy to reproduce at low rates have become quite frequent and common targets of counterfeiting. The counterfeiters either attempt to deceive the consumer into thinking they are purchasing a legitimate item, or convince the consumer that they could deceive others with the imitation. Some counterfeits are produced in the same factory that produces the original,gold Cartier bracelet, authentic product, using the same materials.

Indian metros have become base for manufacturing counterfeit products and account for maximum Intellectual Property Rights violations. Delhi is the hub of counterfeit products in India as nearly 70 per cent counterfeit products originate here.

Again the question comes is what has evoked counterfeiting?

Brand business, its growth /competitions etc has led to availability of counterfeits because of the fact brand sells and makes you outstand and therefore the need to copy, pirate, counterfeit has emerged along with the growth of brands.In India, the direct loss to FMCG industry is also not less than ' 200 million. A survey was conducted to estimate the size of counterfeit of FMCG products and it revealed the stark reality of FMCG companies having maximum loss up to 40% and an average loss around 20% of their market share of their well known products.

The biggest concern is, however, the customers attraction towards these pirate products is directly proportional to price of these products which are sold at 40 to 45% lesser value than the original. A common man with limited knowledge falls for the counterfeit products due to its cheap or discounted prices. Enforcement of laws against counterfeiting is not so strict in India which is another big jolt for the brand industry.

As counterfeiting has become an economic problem of international importance and has been growing dramatically across the globe, manufacturers of the original products and government find themselves in a constant battle against counterfeiters. This has led to a variety of countermeasures based on lawful, political, administrative, or business techniques. The framework also considers the interplay of attitudes,Cartier for men, purchase intentions, and dissonance that leads to coping processes and in turn influences attitudes and decisions. Counterfeiting appears in two different forms, as deceptive and non-deceptive counterfeiting. Under receptive counterfeiting, the consumer is not aware of the fact that he/she purchases a copy rather than the original product and cannot be held accountable for the behavior. Focus is on non-deceptive counterfeiting, where consumers intentionally purchase fake products.The most popular counterfeit market is clothing, followed by shoes, watches, leather goods, and jewelry. Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Burberry, Tiffany, Prada, Hermes, Chanel, Dior, Yves St Laurent, and Cartier are frequently pirated.

Studies say if consumers would not buy; there will be no market for the counterfeit retailers. It also reveals the consumers which include students and businessmen as the major section with 31%, service class (19%) and housewives with 17%. So the question is: who is to be blamed - the retailer or the counterfeit prone consumer?

The customers site few reasons to shop fake products from street markets like branded products available at cheaper rates, choices and variety of designs, one shop for all purchase items. However, they also feel the need of strict laws which can prevent counterfeiting. Nevertheless, a joint effort has been made by FICCI and the leading FMCG companies to bring all companies together to initiate a war against such menace. It is a Brand Protection Committee (BPC) with the objectives to combat the commercial theft since large number of factors goes into a brand building, unscrupulous persons pocketing something which belongs to someone else and also piggybacking on someone elses reputation and to bring awareness amongst society since these counterfeit products deceive the gullible consumers.

However these steps are not enough to stop counterfeiting, Indian Government and other statutory bodies should take active interest for the protection of legitimate business and provide whole- hearted support to the industry at large.

Author is a HOD, Department of Business & Technology at Pearl Academy of Fashion, with more than 18 years of experience in industry & academics in India and abroad. The article has been drafted on the basis of researched project done by her student of PG Diploma in Fashion Merchandising Ms. Harpreet Kaur of 2008-2010 batch.

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Imitation Rolex Watches You Surprised Information

By Ganer Fain on October 05, 2011

Tourism is a unique obsession. It does not have any alternatives. Roaming, you can never really enjoy life. For this reason, tourism provides you with absolute peace everlastingly into your soul and charm. It is believed that thousands of people every year to different types of the hottest and the most fascinating destinations. Practically speaking, there are several impeccable and historic spots in the world will catch the visitor's attention all over the place. These were identified as London, Vancouver, Paris, Barbados, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, Sydney, Melbourne, Florence, Rome, New York, Bombay, candy, and many others. More importantly, these destinations will not only maintain the greatest civilization, but also keep to the current culture. You will not only there to experience the best of art and culture, but also across the real food model. In addition,Cartier Panther Charm Necklace in Gold Plated With Spot Nature, the protection of historical sites museums, art galleries,Cartier Red Jewelry Box, workshops, shopping malls, hotels, restaurants and resorts. For this reason, the lives you will never get there entertain.

Even more incredible is that there are several types of popular women's jewelry market. For example, when you visit Florence jewelry market, you will truly find a women's designer jewelry versatile design - including earrings, diamond necklaces, wedding rings, etc. Also, if you are looking for in Paris the glorious counterfeit watch market watch design, you will be able to find several unique mesmeric look timers, including - TAG Heuer, Mont Blanc, Rolex, Submariner, Cartier , Breitling, Omega, DKNY, Zodiac, Seiko and Fossil watches. Taking into account these are scorching hot ladies and men's field in recent times the best travel watch. Copy watch, you will be able to have longer text the great travel experience. Even more critical is that these types of timers will not only travel in the long term preservation of your time, but can also help you comply with the time, every time. Thus, in the Rolex Travel watches brood.

Roaming the watch is very effective, glorious, colorful, solid charming lady timer. For example, if you are a unique spot in Vancouver lookout, you travel through the Rolex watch; because this will really help you save your time, keep you cool as cucumber. In addition, you can set your best girlfriend in the roaming date. Thus, we can say, imitation is no doubt that the watch is considered the best in recent times the planets moving timer.

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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Stereotypes And Individual Differences

By Kitty Lee on July 21, 2010

Stereotypes are types of generalization that are useful in organizing the massive amounts of information to which people are exposed. As with any generalization, the formation of stereotypes downplays the behavior of specific individuals and stresses trends across large numbers of people. After many observations of different individuals, people from all over the world are likely to see more aggressive behavior in men, more nurturing behavior in women, more assertion of leadership among men, and more passivity among women in mixed-gender groups. These observations become part of the universal stereotypes of men and women. When drawing their conclusions about men and women, observers do not focus on individual differences. They do not focus their attention on the individual aggressive woman or the passive man.

In their studies, Williams and Best found that passivity was part of the stereotype of females in 25 cultures. Other parts of the stereotype were that females were respectful, nurturing, and sociable. In addition to an explanation based on biological differences that lead to responsibilities for childcare, Williams and Best asserted that additional arguments need to be made about the reasons for the stereotype. One argument is that people Cartier Replica Watches become comfortable believing that members of each gender either have or can develop the characteristics that are necessary to carry out tasks in a smooth-functioning society. If females are to have a principal responsibility for the care of the young, it is reassuring to believe that they can be—or can become—affectionate, gentle, patient, sympathetic, and so on. If males are to serve as hunters and warriors, it is comforting to believe that they can be—or can become—adventurous, aggressive, courageous, energetic, independent, self-confident, and the like. It may be in this context, the "justification of necessity" with regard to different social roles that many of the gender-trait stereotypes originated. Once established, the beliefs concerning the psychological makeup serve as norms for the behavior of adult men and women and provide models for the socialization of girls and boys toward their assigned gender roles.

Another needed part of the explanation is consistent with some feminist approaches to the analysis of gender differences. According to these studies, once men are socialized to act in a dominant manner, they become comfortable with their power over women and develop norms that keep women in inferior positions. People who hold power learn to enjoy it and are unwilling to let go of it. When men have power, they often develop beliefs that maintain it. (e.g. "We are better at making tough decision.") Further, they develop other beliefs that make it difficult for women to gain access to power, (e.g. "They are really happier in homemaker roles. ")

Returning to the arguments about gender, the tendency for women to become passive in the company of men does not have to dictate behavior among adults in today's world. After all, it is possible for women, who find them deferring to men during arguments and discussions in the workplace, to try to break old habits. They can,Cartier love Leve Necklace 18k gold, for example, make a point of asking relevant questions and of becoming more active participants in the discussion. In other words, they can make a conscious decision to move beyond traditional male-female tendencies. The liberation that stems from moving beyond traditional gender roles can benefit members of both sexes. Men who have a tendency to dominate meetings, for instance, may want to make a point of listening to and respecting the contributions of others. They may find that the meetings will be much more productive. Time and energy will be spent on developing good ideas rather than on sorting out positions in the dominance hierarchy.

As women decide to move into roles that were traditionally denied them, there is a decrease in the number of sharp distinctions that once marked the behavior of men and women. School-related performance is an example. If there once was a stereotype that woman perform less well than men in mathematics and better in language and the arts, the differences today are almost nonexistent. Once females are encouraged to take advanced mathematics courses, and once males are encouraged to pursue interests in language and arts, they are able to take advantage of a schools' offering without the Breitling Replica prejudice that "boys do better in math, girls do better in areas involving verbal skills". In an ideal world, once opportunities within a society are opened up to members of both genders,Cartier Love Bracelet with Diamond in Black Paint, individuals can pursue various goals based on their abilities and interests. Further, they can pursue their goals without the constant concern that there will eventually be limits placed on them. This ideal world does not yet exist, but there has been research in diverse cultures that has given insights into what a society without unnecessary gender restrictions might look like. Research has focused on the pressures for movements away from traditional restrictions and the results of the changes in the behavior of males and females. Many of these changes have resulted in the disappearance of the sharp differentiation between the behavior of males and females.

The plan of the manager of a shipping company to use containers was rejected by the board of directors because the plan was strongly opposed by the dockets. Sunlight is the desert's most common resource while water and fresh air are the desert's greatest necessity.The program leader studied the ecology of the area but this was not sufficient. He needed to study the attitudes of people to their food.Most of the farmers gave up planting the hybrid corn because it consumed too much pesticide and was labor-consuming.The solution to the complaints against the lift service in the office building lies in the mirrors placed in the lift.It is unwise to attempt to solve a problem in engineering terms when the problem is a psychological one.

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Monday, February 6, 2012

Wedding Dress Feature Flowery Spring And Ripe Autumn & Extremely Brief Luxurious

By Jacky Tan on November 23, 2010

The dazzling sunlight,cartier love charity bracelet, the sunny sky, the golden earth, raise up veil to meet beautiful lover, happiness sweet air surrounded you, all are breathtaking and fantastic to dazzle eyes. In this beautiful moment a piece of stunning and suitable bottom drawer will make all more perfect. Romantic, sweet,cartier love ring yellow gold price, beautiful, gorgeous... how far your fancy can go, and wedding dress can have how many styles.

Romantic emotional tone

The beautiful and well-dressed wholesale fashion clothes that make you like lost in your dream, orchid amorous feelings in ears, setting off the autumn light, coruscating out romantic, pure and fresh special gesture. Dressing in white wedding fashion dress, you just like the twilight goddess, and seem out of this world.


Transparent cascade three-dimensional epaulet, the fluffy hip drape, perfectly highlights the retro X body type, upper compose with three-dimensional flowers and scattered down, tie-in white three-dimensional floret will look romantic and meek.

Recommend brands: wedding dress: Yumi Katsura headwear: Julia

Orchid earring: Cartier Rose golden bracelet: Cartier love series

Sunshine elves

The music played by violin, like the thin veil and frog, sunshine penetrates tier upon tier skirt and has a dreamy feeling, just like elves who is a little otherworldly.


The European style Japanese fashion handmade weskit presents the 18th century classic curve, tie-in diamond necklace, present sweet vogue with low-key luxurious.

Recommend brands: marriage gauze: Julia headwear: Julia

diamond necklace: Tiffany diamond bracelet: Tiffany

Mild tenderness

What is happiness, is a blob of smile on your mouth. Hard walk over the love rail, leaving foot mark. In this autumn sunshine, walking in the quiet tenderness of the heart, happiness and comfortable feeling fill full of the screen.


Gentle elegant texture, inclined shoulder design, matching bead pieces waistband which is completely handmade, soft pear ornaments become the key accessory.

Recommend brands: marriage gauze: Julia

Pearl necklace: MIKIMOTO

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